Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The one about Firenze

Yup, I went on another trip…last weekend February 3rd and 4th. This time it was to Florence. The plan: Friday morning wake up early and take a train to Florence. Then spend the night in a hostel. On Saturday partake in my food class fieldtrip and take the bus ride home. It was a success. So let me tell you about my adventure.

Since 5 of the 7 girls in my apartment are in the food class, we decided why not turn our field trip to Florence into an adventure! Friday morning we left our apartment around 9am to catch the 10 o’clock train (that was the earliest one leaving from Perugia). We arrived around noon. It was super cold. *see weather post below* Despite the cold though, it was really beautiful. On Friday, we first arrived and checked in to the hostel. After, we went walking and went to the leather market. They had so many bags, purses, jackets, and other souvenir type goods. It was crazy seeing so much leather, and it was all such great quality.  I purchased a cute little purse, Marissa and Brit also got bags, and Brit got an awesome leather jacket. After shopping for an hour or such, we decided to go sightseeing. I got to see Michaelangelo’s Statue of David, and some other sculptures and paintings.  We also saw the duomo (church) and to say it was HUGE is an understatement! Nonetheless, it was really beautiful. Later, after walking around in the cold ALL day, we decided to get a latte macchiato, which is really a cappuccino, to warm up. Italians are very picky about their coffee choices. You can only order a cappuccino in the morning, and a latte macchiato in the afternoon (yes, I know it’s weird because they are the same thing but just go with it). I also got a yummy chocolate pastry type thing! For dinner, we went and got steak and yet again I made another great choice when I picked the pepper corn steak. Despite the cold it was a good day!

Saturday morning we woke up and walked around before meeting up for our food class field trip. Anna, Cat, Kelsey and I decided to “hike” up to where we were meeting instead of taking the bus. It was brutal. Quite a hill, and tons of steps but kind of fun and when we reached the top you couldn’t help but feel accomplished. We got to see an amazing view of Florence, before heading to a church, chocolate tasting and finishing the day off with a traditional renaissance meal. The meal itself was interesting. The flavors were different than what I am used to, I enjoyed some dishes a lot and others were weird but it was cool.

Hopefully I get to go to Florence again sometime this semester or at least in my future. It was so cold that it was difficult to see everything. Plus we were only there for 2 days (part of which was for my class). Here are some pictures of all the adventures!

Pizza I enjoyed for lunch once we arrived

Some of the girls decided to get Hamburgers! They were good!!

Little Baby Car...?

Tiger...made of leggos! It was awesome

The Statue of David...

Delicious Chocolate pastry. Best decision of my life! 

Night time pic of the church

Day time pic of a different part. It was really hard to
get pictures because of the massive size, wind and how
close we were! 

Dinner. Someone ordered a carrot salad.
Expectation: Salad with carrots
Reality: Carrots...

My steak. AMAZING.
 I also got a green salad which was exactly what I expected!

Cannoli for Breakfast...don't judge! it was awesome

By the river on the streets of Florence!

Let the up hill/very stairy climb begin. It doesn't look bad, but it wasn't
a cake walk...this picture is very misleading!

But the hike was worth it once we got to the top and saw the view!

More stairs up to the church...and an even better view

Hi from Florence! Anna and I :) 

Then it was time for chocoloate tasting. 

One more picture of Florence!
I have pictures of the Renaissance meal but you will have to wait until I get home for them!

If you have any questions feel free to ask, or leave comments. I am trying to stay up to date with this blog, but I'll admit its hard since I am so busy.


1 comment:

  1. I love snuggling in bed and catching up with your blog! Even if it means reading all your own posts :) Enjoying some wine while I read this one though, just for you! Florence looks beautiful and I wish I was there to see with you! Talk to you soon <3
